Definition of Drug lord

1. Noun. A person who controls an organization dealing in illegal drugs.

Exact synonyms: Drug Baron
Generic synonyms: Boss

Definition of Drug lord

1. Noun. (alternative spelling of druglord) ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Drug Lord

drug development pathway
drug dog
drug eruptions
drug evaluation
drug fever
drug half-life
drug holiday
drug hypersensitivity
drug implants
drug in the market
drug incompatibility
drug industry
drug information services
drug interaction
drug labelling
drug lord
drug lords
drug monitoring
drug of abuse
drug of choice
drug on the market
drug packaging
drug pathogenesis
drug peddler
drug psychosis
drug pusher
drug rash
drug residues
drug resistance
drug resistant

Literary usage of Drug lord

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Collection of the Most Esteemed Farces and Entertainments Performed on the (1783)
"Mrs Drug. Lord love 'em, they'll make it up BOW— and then they'll be as happy as ever. i [Exit. Sir Cha. Damn me, if ever I faw fuch an ..."

2. Unceasing Abuses: Human Rights in Mexico One Year After the Introduction of by Ellen L. Lutz (1991)
"Associated Press, "Mexico jail siege ends as drug lord gives up control," Miami Herald ... "Mexican drug lord Moved to New Jail After Prison Siege," Reuters ..."

3. Mexican and American Responses to the International Narcotics Threat edited by Jesse Helms (1999)
"Cervantes acknowledged that Gutierrez Rebollo was hailed as a hero when he arrested drug lord Hector "El Güero" Palma in 1995, and several other violent ..."

4. The British Drama: Comprehending the Best Plays in the English Language (1804)
"Then I'll step and speak to her—I never was clearer in any thing in my life. \ i'.ii/. Mrs Drug. She does—she does. Mrt Drug. Lord love them ! they'll ..."

5. Threat To U.s. Trade And Finance From Drug Trafficking And International edited by Charles E. Grassley (1999)
"Mexico has not extradited one Mexican-national drug lord. Earlier this year, my colleague, Senator Feinstein, and I introduced legislation requiring the ..."

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